Minderico Dictionary
Dicionário Bilingue Piação-Português
Before: €35.00* (standard price) / €20.00* (CIDLeS members)
AUTHORS: Ferreira, Vera; Schulze, Ilona; Carvalho Vicente, Paulo; Bouda, Peter
ISBN: 9789899781900
Pages: 516
Date: April 2015
Languages: Minderico, Portuguese
The Dicionário Bilingue Piação – Português was developed and edited by CIDLeS – Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation. It is the first dictionary of Minderico in a lexicographic sense. Minderico is an endangered language spoken in Minde and Mira de Aire, Portugal (ISO code [drc]), by a speech community of 150 active speakers and 1000 passive speakers. This bilingual and bidirectional dictionary (Minderico – Portuguese / Portuguese – Minderico), with 2254 entries, is not limited to the printed version. With the printed version, you purchase automatically a multimedia digital version and get access to a set of additional information that supplements the paper edition, including audio elements of each lexeme, contextualized examples with audio, videos exemplifying language use, photos and extra details that contextualize and substantiate the etymology of each lexeme.
Created from an interdisciplinary perspective, this dictionary, unlike other dictionaries, combines history, cultural and social studies and computer science to linguistics. An extensive inventory of Minderico vocabulary was undertaken using primary data (collected through direct work with the speech community in the form of free interviews and interviews with stimuli, recordings of communicative events with and without active participation of the researchers), existing linguistic, historical, geographical and cultural sources, and results from previous research. The primary data, supplemented with existing secondary data (such as explanations of some lexemes presented by the authors / editors of glossaries developed in the past by the community), allow us to portray more reliably the linguistic reality that Minderico represents.
More than just a dictionary, the Dicionário Bilingue Piação – Português is an encyclopedia of Minderico.
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