Miroslav Valeš
Miroslav Valeš (*1968) completed his Ph.D. in Spanish Philology at Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Since 2007 he has been Head of the Department of Romance Languages at the Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic. His research interests include sociolinguistics with particular focus on minority languages. He has carried out several projects regarding Native languages of America: Lakhota (USA) and Shuar (Ecuador). Since 2012 he has been cooperating with the community of A Fala speakers and he has published papers regarding various aspects of the language.
Valeš, Miroslav. 2017. Community-Driven Revitalization of A Fala: Experience with the Orthography Project. In Ostler, Nicholas ‒ Ferreira, Vera ‒ Moseley, Chris. (eds.), Communities in Control: Learning Tools and Strategies for Multilingual Endangered Language Communities, pp. 59-63, Hungerford: Foundation for Endangered Languages. Available at: https://secure1.let.uu.nl/elsnet/fel/proceedings/201720170001000016.pdf
Valeš, Miroslav. 2016. A Fala: dimensión sociolingüística en las traducciones a una lengua minorizada. Mutatis Mutandis. vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 348-362. Available at: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=13078
Valeš, Miroslav. 2016. A Fala: sociolingvistická situace a podmínky pro standardizaci. Časopis pro moderní filologii, vol. 98, no. 2, pp. 218-227. Available at: http://casopispromodernifilologii.ff.cuni.cz/wpcontent/uploads/sites/9/2016/09/miroslav_vales_218-227-2.pdf
Valeš, Miroslav. 2016. Reflections of an Observant Linguist Regarding the Orthography of A Fala de Us Tres Lugaris. In Ferreira, Vera ‒ Bouda, Peter. (eds.), Language Documentation & Conservation, vol. 9, pp. 115-120, Special Publication Language Documentation and Conservation in Europe. University of Hawai‘i Press. Available at: http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10125/24654/1/ELE_2016.pdf