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October 2018 (1)

The dictionary presentation

The launch of the dictionary will take place in the three villages in the second half of September.

Eljas – 17th of September at 7 PM
San Martín de Trevejo – 18th of September at 1 PM
Valverde del Fresno – 18th of September at 7 PM

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Final stage of the project

The outgoing part of the project has finished. However, the project will continue at the University of Liberec as there are still parts of the project to be finished.

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Camping with linguistic games 2

Due to the success of last year’s event the pupils of the sixth grade of the Primary School of

Eljas spent a camping night by the creek again. The games that counted to the team competition included spelling games, word search, patrimonial word explanations and others related to A Fala. The language part was complemented by a music class with traditional instruments. This year there were only two teams: girls versus boys. And the winner? Girls!!!

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COVID impact

Due to COVID 19 the contact with the community is limited to on-line meetings, e-mails, whatsapp communication and telephone calls.

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Workshop on Language Documentation, 6 – 8 March, Valverde del Fresno

This workshop organized by CIDLeS under the project FRONTESPO was targeted on the speech community members. The objective was to teech the participants, mostly speaker of A Fala, to use the recording equipment and to get acquinted with the basic standards of language documentation, formats, programmes and procedures.

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Lecture: Endangered Languages and Language Documentation Secondary school of Valverde

The lecture for secondary school students summarized general strategies related to endangered language revitalization with particular focus on A Fala and gave a basic information about documentation techniques. The objective of the presentation was to rise interest of the students in linguistics, minority languages in general, and make them aware of their mother tongue endangerment.

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Secondary school of Valverde – implementation of a project: “A vo de Xálima 2”

The students of the 9th grade of the Secondary School of Valverde del Fresno continued in the last year’s project beginning in November 2019 and finishing in March 2020. During the project they learned all the progressive steps of language documentation. The difference from the last year was the scope of the interviews. This year the students chose interviewees with some traditional profession: blacksmith, carpinter, bucher, baker, hairdresser and innkeeper with the objective to ask about traditional vocabulary related to the profession.

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I Jornadas em Línguas Minoritarias

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, 6th of December.Presentation: La influencia del español en la variación léxica de A Fala The objective of the presentation was to describe the lexical variation and changes caused by the contect with Spanish. The term “castellanismo” was explained in the context of language description.

>> Presentation (PDF) <<

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Conference: Languages in an Open World

European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe, University of Graz, Austria, 20 – 22 November.Presentation: Power relations between Spanish and A Fala, minority language of Extremadura, Spain

>> Presentation (PDF) <<

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Encuentro de hispanistas de la República checa y Eslovaquia: Al pie de la letra, 19 – 20 September, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice

The presentation described methodological difficulties related to the data collection. It was focused on the problems specific to audio and video recordings and their transcription.

>> Presentation (PDF) <<

2º Simpósio Internacional: Línguas e variedades linguísticas ameaçadas na Península Ibérica (LAPI 2019), 4 – 5 July, Lisbon

The Simposium took place in Mouraria Creative Hub in Lisbon where 25 linguists from various countries discussed topics related with the endangered languages of the Iberian Peninsula.
For more details consult:

The presentation described the objectives and the methodology of the project Community-Driven Documentation and Description of A Fala.

>> Presentation (PDF) <<

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Classes about minority languages in Spain at the Primary School of Eljas

The classes were designed for children to understand the rich linguistic variety of the country. The linguistic variety was explained in context of cultural variety and highlighted as a positive value that deserves protection. The first class gave the overall picture of the linguistics situation in Spain, and the different grade of institutional protection that the languages have. The second class was focused more on A Fala and its sociolinguistic situation. Written form of the language was promoted and the pupils were encouraged to write their own texts.

Camping with linguistic games

The pupils of the sixth grade of the Primary School of Eljas spent a camping night by the creek. The games that counted to the team competition included spelling games, word search, patrimonial word explanations and others related to A Fala. In this way the language was promoted in more playful way and the children enjoyed it more than compulsory school classes.

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Lecture about A Fala at the University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain

The audience were mostly students of Galician studies.
The main topics of the lecture were the following:

1. Origin of A Fala
2. Difference between language and dialect (variety)
3. Glotonym – name of the language
4. Cultural and linguistic identity
5. Education
6. Standardization
7. Ortography

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“A vo de Xálima”: Recording the Community – Project of the Secondary School of Valverde del Fresno, March – May 2019

The project continued in May with the transcriptions of the recordings. The students first transcribed all 8 interviews with community members literally. In the next stage they transformed the texts into a journalistic style interview. The transcriptions and text modifications showed them the difference between the spoken and the written form of a language, which was sometimes surprising. The process also promoted the written form of A Fala. At the end of the project the students evaluated the experience they gained. The evaluations were positive highlighting above all the personal contact and interaction with older members of the community. Here are some of the students’ words:

Me gustaría dicel que me ha parecíu un proyectu mui interesanti, a parti de necesariu i realmenti importanti, porque gracias a el podemus conserval A Fala. Por u restu ben, ya que bueno, dejandu fora que perdimus clasi 😜, foi diviriu felu i queiras que no pos aprendimus coixas tamén importantis comu falal de dientri de unha cámara o organizal un proyectu en conjuntu.

A entrevista foi una experiencia emocionanti ya que nun había feitu niñunha, tamén me gustó ya que cuñucí un poicu máis a miña tía.

Ficel as entrevistas me ha parecíu unha experiencia nova e inusual, algu que nunca había feitu i me ha gustau. Me gustaría repitil.

Me gustó mutu ficel esti proyectu i pudi aprendel coixas que antis nun sabía i é a primeira ve que escribu in A Fala.

Esti proyectu me ha gustau mutu ya que ha síu unha experiencia nova pa mi ya que nun habiamus traballau antis mediante proyectus, tamén he aprendíu mutas coixas de mei güelu que nun sabía que había feitu.

A realización da intrivista foi u que máis nus gustó, ya que nus lu pasamus mui ben, i aprindimus mutas coixhas que nun sabíamus de miña güela. In general ha síu unha experiencia mui bunina i hemus aprindíu mutas coixhas.

Me ha paricíu mui ben esti proyectu de a intrivista ya que he puíu sabel máis coixhas de mei güelu que antis nun sabía, ademais ya teñu esta entrevista comu recordu de el pa tó vida. Tamen creu que esti tipu de proyectu sirvi pa que a nosa Fala nun se perda i pa adoptal unha maneira pa iscribila. Siguru que si ripitis esti proyectu u anu que ven le vai a incantal us alumnus.

Between March and May 2019, the students of the 10th grade of the Secondary School of Valverde del Fresno will be actively involved in the recordings of community members of A Fala speaking about a variety of topics. The recordings will be used for documentation purposes and also for a journalistic-style presentation, a newspaper. The students will record elder speakers of the three villages, transcribe the recordings literally and after that use the transcription to work with the text and create a publishable interview. In this way, they will learn about the importance of the language conservation and moreover they will acquire many important skills: to prepare and carry out an interview, to transcribe it and work with the raw text and to make a presentable outcome. All these activities will show them the richness of the language in spoken and written forms.

Introductory classes:

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Classes about minority languages and A Fala at the Secondary School of Valverde del Fresno, November 2018

The clases included basic information about minority languages and about the sociolingüistic situation of A Fala. Another linguistic topic that was discussed was the orthography issue and the relation between the phonological system of a language and its orthography. The practical part of the clases used the translations from Spanis to A Fala the students did as a homework. As the writing system is not set, the students wrote the way they wanted. In the class the individual options were examined and evaluated from the point of view of their practical use.

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Encuentro de Hispanistas de la Republica Checa y Eslovaquia, 19 – 20 OCT 2018, Liberec, Czech Republic

The participants of the Conference were the academics and researchers from various Czech and Slovak universities who are interested in Spanish and minority languages in contact with Spanish. The two main sections were: hispanic lingüistics and hispanic literature.

For more details consult:

The presentation described the objectives and the methodology of the project Community-Driven Documentation and Description of A Fala.

Project presentation: Proyecto de descripción y documentación de A Fala

Powerpoint of the presentation

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