
The project Poio, developed by CIDLeS Media Lab under the responsability of Peter Bouda, aims at creating text prediction and transliteration systems for under-resourced languages. At the moment it supports 32 languages and works already with mobile phones (for sms or email writing).
We are now looking for speakers willing to test the quality of the prediction on their mobile phones and to send us their feedbacks.
To test Poio you only need to open www.poio.eu on your mobile phone, choose your language in the list of languages available, enter text and evaluate the quality of the predictions suggested by the software. Then just send your feedback to pbouda@cidles.eu.
Language: Minderico (on a mobile device)
Don’t forget to sign up to Poio newsletters:
– Beta-testers: http://eepurl.com/LBzV1
– General updates and news about language diversity: http://eepurl.com/Hhmoj
Try it out: http://www.poio.eu/