Project “Jordar mais Piação ao Ninhou” approved by ADIRN
ADIRN approved the project proposal Jordar mais Piação ao Ninhou (en. “Give more Minderico to Minde”) presented by Rita Pedro within Subprogramme 3 of PRODER (Measure 3.2 – Improving the Quality of Life, Action 3.2.1 – Conservation and Promotion of the Rural Heritage). Minderico (“Piação”, ISO Code drc) is an endangered language spoken in Minde (Portugal).
Rita Pedro will collect public and commercial places in Minde and mark them with bilingual (Minderico and Portuguese) street signs indicating their activity and/or touristic interest. She will also develop a multimedia documentation of traditional methods and practices, mainly in the domains of textile production and gastronomy, having Minderico as main language. The collected data will be included in the Interactive Map of Minde, which will be available online.