O Touquim Xaral
“O Touquim Xaral” is a Minderico course delivered in 12 issues during the period of one year. Its preparation began in January 2011 and the first issue was released in April 2011. All the issues are being distributed with the newspaper “Jornal de Minde”. The twelve issues can be organized in a folder developed for that purpose that can be purchased in the local stationers since the beginning of the project. The issues were developed according to several semantic domains related to the vocabulary of daily life, namely idiomatic expressions, weather, family, places and countries, human body, clothing, food, drinks, house, transports, jobs and institutions, and animals. The main aim of the project is to present Minderico to a larger group of people, mainly to the younger generation that intends to learn Minderico. CIDLeS is responsible for the linguistic and didactic organization of the issues. The print costs are supported by Centro de Artes e Oficios Roque Gameiro and the distribution costs are covered by the local administration (Junta de Freguesia de Minde).
Folder of the issues O Touquim Xaral
Examples of two issues