Author: Peter Bouda

  • Job for Python developer

    We, the Centro Interdisciplinar de Documentação Linguística e Social (CIDLeS), are looking for a software developer in a full-time position. We are a young research centre in Minde/Portugal that develops...

  • Congratulations “Minderico”!

    One year ago today (18.05.2011) and after a very long process initiated by Vera Ferreira from CIDLeS, Minderico was internationally recognized as a language by SIL International, receiving the ISO...

  • O Touquim Xaral

    “O Touquim Xaral” is a Minderico course delivered in 12 issues during the period of one year. Its preparation began in January 2011 and the first issue was released in...

  • Minderico Videos on Facebook

    Minderico has become a language that different generations throughout the time have used as a way of communication. People from different ages talked with each other in Minderico proving that...