CIDLes at LARA workshop in Slovakia

CIDLeS team members will attend the Learning and Reading Assistant (LARA) workshop from 27-29 November 2019 at the University of Trnava, Slovakia.

From the workshop webpage:

What is LARA? Its full name is the Learning and Reading Assistant (LARA) and it is an open source platform currently being developed by an international consortium that includes several people from enetCollect. LARA’s purpose is to facilitate the process of transforming text into a hyperlinked form which supports non-native readers. Simple functionalities include attaching recorded audio or translations to words and phrases; a unique feature is the possibility of creating a personalized concordance based on the student’s own reading progress. You can see LARA content in a variety of languages on the LARA examples page. Teachers in several countries are already using LARA content with their students for teaching different (foreign, second, archaic) languages.

To learn more about the LARA workshop, visit the LARA workshop webpage, found here.

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