CLC / CDLD 2014 in numbers
Between August 11th and August 15th Minde (Portugal) will receive the first summer school on Coding for Language Communities (CLC 2014). It will be an international, interdisciplinary, praxis-oriented meeting devoted to the development of language technologies for under-resourced languages. Here you have some numbers describing CLC 2014:5 days (4 projects, 5 talks, 4 workshops)40 hours training4 mentors
5 workshop trainers 20 participants15 countries (Poland, UK, France, Greece, USA, Russia, Nigeria, Czech Republic, Germany, Australia, Norway, Bulgaria, Austria, Spain, Portugal)
One week later (August 18th – 23rd), the first summer school on language documentation in the Iberia Peninsula (CDLC 2014 – Community-Driven Language Documentation) will also take place in Minde. Here is CDLD 2014 in numbers:
6 days (6 courses)
48 hours of training
10 lecturers
30 participants
19 countries (Germany, Poland, Russia, Cameroon, India, Iran, Poland, Spain, USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Czech Republic, Greece, Norway, Australia, Netherlands, Japan, Portugal)
Both summer schools are being organized by CIDLeS.