Language Fair – Call for Community Participation
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation (CIDLeS) cordially invites all the European minority language communities to participate in the Language Fair (October 18th and 19th) – a socio-cultural 2-day event which aims at getting the general public acquainted with linguistic diversity in Europe, mainly its endangered/minority languages (including those spoken by immigrants). Therefore, this event focuses on discussion and social, intercultural and scientific exchange between different communities that speak endangered/minority languages, on the promotion of their cultural and linguistic heritage, as well as on the presentation of modern bands that perform in their native languages.
There are three different ways for a community to participate in the Language Fair: with an exhibition stand, with a cultural performance or both. In this sense, each community will be able to have a stand to exhibit its own language (for instance through literary and scientific works, films, CDs, DVDs, posters, etc. excepting food), as well as to present the language in a 20-to-30-minute cultural performance (theater sketch, traditional music, cinema, dance, recitation, etc.). The bands will perform in the evening (October 18th and 19th) and their performance will be part of the Endangered Languages Music Festival that will be launched during this event.
Deadline for community participation proposal: May 31st, 2013
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